DOCS ADD ON Contract


NOTWITHSTANDING the current service agreement in effect, specifically: DUTIES OF CLIENT

BE IT KNOWN, that for good consideration the parties made the following additions or changes to a part of said contract as if contained therein:

  • ATTORNEY will assist CLIENT in obtaining any court documents that are available for retrieval which do not require a physical person to collect the documents;
  • This service shall be provided for a maximum of two (2) courthouses. If client has additional courts which must be accessed, additional fees will apply;
  • In case an in-person visit is required, ATTORNEY can facilitate the preparation of said documents but cannot and will not be responsible for presenting themselves to collect said documents.
  • CLIENT is advised this service applies ONLY to court documents, not background checks, which require CLIENT’s fingerprints;
  • ATTORNEY will advise CLIENT as to which documents and government fees are required in support of the request;
  • CLIENT agrees to pay to FWCANADA INC. IN TRUST: the sum of USD 350 upon execution of this agreement by CLIENT to ATTORNEY.  The ATTORNEY is authorized to release this sum from her trust account upon opening CLIENT’s file.  This fee is non-refundable.

All other terms and provisions of said contract shall remain in full force and effect.